Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Taking Eve by Iris Johansen

I must say that I love Eve Duncan. She is a character in a series by Iris Johansen. Last year she put out 3 books in a row about Eve Duncan that had to do with the finale of Eve finding the killer of her daughter. I was worried that once Eve found her daughter's killer, that the Eve Duncan series would just dwindle away to nothing.

Excitingly enough for me, the first book of 3 that she had coming out this year about Eve Duncan was AWESOME! She left Taking Eve as a total cliffhanger. The next book comes out in 3 weeks and I'm already calculating how far down the library wait list I am to get the second book after it comes out. I think it's far! =(

The Eve Duncan series is in the mystery genre. I can honestly say that I can't recall an Eve Duncan book that hasn't kept me interested the whole way through. Eve is a forensic sculptor and the story of the loss of her daughter is a very engaging one. This book is definitely worth reading. But if you've never read a book in the Eve Duncan series, you should definitely go back and start at the beginning. It would definitely be worth your while. I wonder what others think about the Eve Duncan series?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Elmhurst Library LOVE

I am proud to announce that I have done my first library visit! It might be partial cheating, since it was KIND of the library that I went to growing up. But then again, it's not. Elmhurst  built a whopping multi-million dollar library probably waaaaaaay back when I was in college. SO, in actuality, I've only been to the NEW Elmhurst Public Library twice now.

And I must say that it is A-MAZ-ING!!!! I am totally that person who could just go and hang out in the library because it is just that peaceful there. Pre-children and husband, I would go just hang out in libraries and bookstores. I did used to ride my bike the 2-3 miles down the Prairie Path just to go to the library. Yep, I was totally that dork.
I can truly say that I was SAD that I am no longer a resident of Elmhurst, just so that I could use that beautiful library! Forget being closer to my dad. Forget being able to see old friends. All the trials and tribulations that come with selling a house would almost be worth it, just to use that library. Almost.

http://www.elmhurstpubliclibrary.org/b_exterior3.jpgThe first thing that you notice about the library is the windows. They. Are. Everywhere! In the children's room (okay, let's call it was it was - the children's FLOOR) the whole south wall, pretty much from floor to very high ceilings, were windows. Talk about a dream come true. (Sliiiight sidenote here: I LOVE windows - main reason I don't like to be in my windowless basement.) These windows looked out onto a very well manicured lawn with a park in the distance. It was just beautiful.

Now the majority of my focus will be about the children's room, just because that is now where I spend most of my time. It is so nice to be a teacher and a parent so that I have an excuse to be in there reading all those fabulous books!

This is the view walking into the children's area.

 Notice that there is fancy wood-looking decor all over in the picture. This theme is throughout the whole children's area. Even the story room DOORS were made to look like trees with handles that looked like a branch! And the little peekhole into the room was in the shape of a bird!

Yes, those are letters on the column. And I know it's probably hard-impossible to tell, but the fabric of those chairs have shadow dogs and randomly placed fish bones! Super cute and comfy!
Another brilliant feature of the children's room are the placement of the bookshelves. You can kind of tell from above that the bookshelf curves. That is one massive bookshelf that curves around this one section in the children's area that holds all the picture books. The brilliant part of it is that you can then keep all your kids corralled in this area and be comforted in knowing right where they are! There are also several tables and chairs in this area (that is actually very large) and puzzles to entertain the young'ns.
I am so not doing this library justice. But I also thought it was really cool that you can check out bags with puppets or bags with puzzles! There's no excuses for parents anymore! I. LOVE. IT!!!! It doesn't cost a thing!

Alright, I'm going to wrap up my obsessings over my former library now. Wipe the drool off my chin and continue on with life. The last thing I'll talk about is all the amazing pamphlets I took/stole with an assortment of genres to address the developmental interests of boys and girls. I had to stuff them in my purse so I wouldn't look like a COMPLETE nutball.

Here is a link to the Kids' Library at Elmhurst Public Library. They do have printable versions of the aforementioned lists, by grade level. Go see them now and fall in love with Elmhurst Library the way I did! Again...


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Library thoughts...

I love to meander through libraries and explore what each one has to offer. Since I've become a parent, what I look for has changed slightly now that I have other people to please besides myself. 

So now, instead of looking for a comfy couch to settle into, I have to look at the little joys from the eyes of a child:
Can I find books? Are there pretty/funny/adventurous/colorful things to look at? What can I get into? Are there computers? Are there animals to entertain me? WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME?!?!? 

Good thing I love books for ALL ages. Let the fun begin...