Friday, August 9, 2013

More Library LOVE

I've finally made it to another library! I was really hoping to maybe go to the Colorado Springs library while out here, but we have been trying to cram in as much as possible. Maybe I'll swing by there when I have to go pick up the Kindle charger at Grandma's house tomorrow. Curses! I hate when I forget things like that. The Kindles have been LIFESAVERS this week with all the time in the car and plane. But that is neither here nor there for this blog!

This post's library? Algonquin Area Public Library. I know that several months ago I saw them as an award winning library for SOMETHING. But of course though I've searched for it, I can't find the award anywhere! So again, I hope that my pictures might do it a little bit of justice.

The Algonquin Library is another one of those amazing libraries. It is right behind the Target on Randall Rd. (that's just north of Algonquin Commons).
They do this great program called "1,000 Books Before Kindergarten." Now while this is a great program, sadly only those that are residents of this library can do it. =(

Something that my Master's buddies might appreciate, is that they have a thing called Reading Corner. It is a blog on different books that have been read in their book clubs. There are little synopses and some even have book trailers.

I don't think that their webpage is as good as Elmhurst Library's but they do have a list of area preschools for parents (which is helpful, trust me), recommended books for kids, and early literacy tips. You can find all this on their parent's page.

Now to the good stuff! The Children's Room!
Now just like Elmhurst, the whole basement is the children's area. I really liked how the chapter books and higher level books, were totally on the other side of the basement from the picture books. They have a great section for children's dvds and cds. They even had a section of books for us teachers! I always love that!

Now, even though it was in the basement, it didn't feel like a basement. They, too, did a great job putting in windows to make it airy and open. Here, in pictures, were some of my favorite things!

YES!!! A new favorite series! Of course I had to see how they had their series sets organized!
I really liked that they had these books separate from the others! So much easier to find them. =)

You know me and the cute, comfy chairs!

Cute summer reading theme: Have book, will travel. This was what they had up on the window for the kids!

My little man giving the setup a spin. I think he approved!

Let me know if you've been to Algonquin Library OR if you have a library that you think I need to go visit! (But don't tell me Elgin! I already know about that. Just have to get back there for some pics!)

1 comment:

  1. This is my library! I like it a lot. When Madison was little (1-5) we spent a ton of time in that basement. I love how the picture books are at a level where young readers can browse. She loved to pick out books and we read them at the library, because it was so comfortable. Then we could pick our favorites to bring home.
